Friday, October 26, 2012

Bloggers Quilt Festival and Babies

Baby quilts seem to be the flavour in my world at the moment, I have been working
on this one for a while now and am happy to say its finished ..........yay!!!

I was asked to make this quilt for a friend of a friend

I couldn't resist the car theme being it's a boy, I love raw edge applique and couldn't resist
adding this to the quilt, combined with my love of
long-arm quilting, I went to town.

 The most fun I had was the quilting , I loved doing the swirls in the small
blue border and feathering in the strips and outer borders. But most of all
I really enjoyed doing the pebbles, there is something hypnotic about
the same thing over and over I found it very relaxing.............crazy I know!!!

I have joined Amy and many others in the Fall 2012 - Bloggers Quilt Festival 
go on over and check out all the beautiful quilts. I am sure you
will be enthralled by the amazing and talented ladies out there
in blogland.

Quilt Measurements: 35" x 35"
Special Techniques used: Raw Edge Applique
Quilted by: Mandy (Me)
Best Category:  Baby Quilt or Applique Quilt

But the most exciting news I have is that my daughter (Kym) is expecting her 
first baby in March 2013, we are all very excited. So you guessed it
I am busy making baby bits and pieces. Something is definitley happening in this part of
town, as I know of about seven babies, all due around the same time.  So
it's time for me to hit the machine and get busy.

Happy Quilting


Quilts on Bastings said...

Lovely little quilt Mandy - great quilting.. Not sure if I find pebbling hypnotic though!
Can't wait to see your next baby quilt.

Kathy Schwartz said...

So cute!! Yes I find I can 'zone out' when I do Pebbling too!

Anonymous said...

Lovely quilt, and gorgeous quilting :-)

Rachaeldaisy said...

This is such a cute quilt. Wonderful quilting!! Congratulations on the exciting news.. you'll be planning more baby quilts!

CitricSugar said...

This is absolutely darling!

Anita said...

Hi Mandy,
A miracle!!! A really nice baby boy quilt!!! They are hard to find. I also love the relaxing feeling you get from quilting, and the swirls on the blue border is gorgeous. I am going through the same thing as you are.....lots of babies are on the way. I am going to the city this morning to buy some baby boy wool, cotton and material because I'm out of boy stuff. Enjoy the making the baby things, it's fun.
Cheers, Anita.

Calicojoan said...

What a lucky little boy who gets this quilt!! Too cute!

Pattilou said...

An adorable baby quilt. Your quilting highlights it nicely.

Quiltbenaco said...

Ma quanto è carino!

Sunshine Girl said...

Fabulous quilts - congratulations on becoming a grandma soon! Thanks for sharing. #263

Rene' said...

Fun baby quilt! Those cars are just too cute.

felicity said...

Gorgeous quilt, and congratulations on the impending addition to your family!