My how time fly's, we are already half way through March and heading into Easter soon. We had a long
weekend here in Melbourne on the 5th, 6th and 7th, so I have been away up in Tocumwal a beautiful
spot on the Murray River which divides Victoria from New South Wales.
Also its our Granddaughter's 1st Birthday, Happy Birthday Abbey!!. Here is a photo of her on her new trike that Granddad and Nana gave her. Doesn't she look cute??
She kept us busy pushing her around the park.
In between Holidaying and Birthdays I have been working on a quilt for a customer
who is taking this to London as a Wedding Present. I have to have this completed by Mid April, including
quilting it as well

This is a sneak peak, I will show you more when I have finished.
Happy Quilting!!
1 comment:
I can't believe Abbey is 1 already - happy birthday Abbey.. I can't wait to see more of the quilt you are making.
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