Look what arrived in the mail.......Its so exciting receiving parcels in the mail, in fact it can be quite addictive, lucky hubby doesn't mind!! Firstly my colour chart for Kona Cotton, its amazing the variety of colours to choose from.

Next a little bit of yummy goodness from
Holly Holderman, my favorite fabrics in the whole world, this is Teatime Florals 11, not sure what exactly I am going to do with this
but give me a little time and I'm sure I'll come up with something.
and Cherry Baby, again by Holly Holderman. I have seen a Doll Quilt here that I absolutely love and will one day make, just need to give up the day job!! ha ha!!
Last but not least some charm packs and jelly rolls for some baby quilts, so as you can see I have lots to keep me busy over the next little while.
Better get to it
Happy Quilting!!
Hi Mandy,
Kona cottons are lovely and their range is amazing. Your fabric purchases are beautiful - they should keep you going for a little while.
Hi Mandy,
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! I just love your new fabrics - finding parcels in the mailbox is much better than finding bills!! and you can do so much more with fabric! Enjoy your new purchases, looking forward to seeing lots of pink quilts soon:)
Oh Mandy, what gorgeous fabrics ... although I am not a quilter, I loooove fabric !! Your blog is great, and I love seeing all the quilts you have don and are on the go !! Abbey is a little cutie, too !! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I must get back into it again !! Have a great Sunday, take care, Connie xx
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