Having recently joined Annelies siggy group over in the Netherlands http://quiltsandsiggies.web-log.nl/quilts_and_siggies/siggies/index.html. I have enjoyed receiving siggies in the mail.

Thank you Ludy, Marij and Marjo, my first three siggies from Holland

My first USA siggie, thank you Thomas

Last but not least my first Australian siggie from my new blog friend Helen, who also included a little something extra, a coaster for my sewing room. Thank you so much Helen. Mine will be in the mail shortly.
Its a nice change to go to the letterbox and receive siggies instead of bills. I now look forward to collecting the mail each day.
Happy Quilting!!
Its a nice change to go to the letterbox and receive siggies instead of bills. I now look forward to collecting the mail each day.
Happy Quilting!!