Well, it's only three weeks to go now till my little GS arives.
I decided to make Anni Downs "A Boy Story"
with a slight alteration.
I must admit when I was told he was a boy, I was a little miffed as
I have only had girls, but I have been told that boys are much more
cuddlier, so I will be looking forward to lots of those.
Luckily Kym wasn't too fussed about colours, so I had
free range with my colour choices.
This is my favorite block choo choo!!
I used lots of different blues, greens and yellows from my scrap pile, and I
am really happy with the way the colours have worked. I did quilt a little butterfly on the dogs
nose, but I think it got lost in the quilting.
I did quilt some blocks quite heavily in the background
and some not, I know this can cause problems some times
but I'm crossing my fingers.
This is the block I changed, it did have a space monster
on it, but what little boy doesn't like rockets!!
It took 14 hours of machine quilting and Stitching in
the Ditch...................... I know I'm a little slow!!!
I used the blanket stitch on my machine for all the applique (as I don't have
the patience for hand stitching), luckily this makes the process
a lot quicker. otherwise I know it would never get done.

I finished off with a whimsical feathered border, I just had
to add feathers as I love quilting them.
Finally, every little man's accessory, matching Robot Sheets and Pillowcases
I really enjoyed making this little man his quilt and have many ideas
for more, just need to find the time!!
Happy Quilting!