Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Quilted Quickies

As a fan of Holly Holderman's fabrics, I am always keeping an eye on her blog, She is having "A Dolly Dress Up Blog- a- thon"!! Which started on the 4th December, so today is day 4 of 16 and I was very excited to come across this blog by quilted quickies. You must take a look at the The Calendar Girl- you tube- presentation it has been put together very well. Check it out. The ladies here are very clever. They have a giveaway as well. So pop on over and enter the giveaway. One day I hope to make this quilt, if life was not so busy...

Happy Quilting!!


Quilted Quickies said...

Hi Mandy...THANK YOU SO MUCH...for this post! You are too sweet! I had a blast making the video...I'm sure my family wishes I'd stop filming everything...lol. Again thank you and I'll see you soon out here in blogland!

Alisa said...

Happy quilting and happy holidays!